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Quarterly Virtual Workshops

These workshops aim to foster a sense of community while offering valuable insights and resources. Whether you are a Veteran or Service Member, family member, a supporter of our cause, we invite you to sign up for a workshop using the form below.

Workshop Name: NuCalm Workshop- Improving Anxiety, Stress and Sleep Quality
Date: 8/3/24
Time: 9am CST
Description: This workshop will discuss the NuCalm software. You will learn about the power of NuCalm, a cutting-edge neuroacoustic software, to provide effective solutions for anxiety, stress, and improve sleep quality.
Eligibility: Veterans, service members, and their families are eligible to participate in this workshop. Attending an ORWF retreat is not a requirement for eligibility.


Workshop Name: Expressive Therapy for Veterans Workshop
Date: 11/2/2024
Time: 9am CST
Description: This workshop is an introduction to creative arts therapy. You’ll discover the transformative power of expressive arts as we delve into various modalities designed to support your well-being while fostering healing and self-expression.
Eligibility: Veterans, service members, and their families are eligible to participate in this workshop. Attending an ORWF retreat is not a requirement for eligibility.

In partnership with The Joel Fund.